
Day Zero: year in review

Now that I've got your attention...

It was just over a year ago when I started my Day Zero project, so in the spirit of accountability, I thought I'd give an update of where I stand. I still have only thought of 79 things, but I have 608 more days to come up with the remaining 22. Nevertheless, this is long, so a round of applause to anyone who reads this whole thing.

1. Learn to play something on the accordion: Joel has the accordion. I just bought two beginner books but then realized they were shipped to an old address. Ugh. On hold for the moment.

2. Drive across the U.S.: Not likely to happen this winter. But someday.

3. Knit a sweater for myself (that I actually wear): Done! I've been wearing it every so often, too.

4. Get a new job: Yup.

5. Eat gelato on the Spanish Steps: I've actually done this once in my life already, but ever since I left Italy nearly 10 years ago, I've been aching to go back. Still prominent on my list. And I do so love gelato.

6. Learn how to write grants: Still a great idea, just not as high on the priority list due to the nature of my new job.

7. Return to Paris: Working on it.

8. Visit Liz (college roommate) in Prague: Are you noticing a European trend here? Still working on it.

9. Live somewhere with good public transit: This won't happen immediately, but it is definitely a life goal of mine. And in the meantime, I'm back to riding the bus a couple times a week and just discovered the best-ever express route from work to downtown. It's luxurious!

10. Take a sewing class: I still really want to do this. Maybe something to do in January or February.

11. Buy a DSLR camera: I bought one this summer and we've been having great fun learning how to use it and figuring out how to store massive photo files, among other things...turns out this is an expensive hobby! No regrets, though.

12. Make the perfect crepe: Totally subjective, but I'm pretty sure I nailed it. At least the way I like to eat them.

13. Record myself singing: I have something in mind but I need to work up the nerve. Microphones make me nervous.

14. Cut my hair short: I cut off quite a bit last fall and I've been growing it out ever since.

15. Make two new good friends: I'm really happy with my friend situation right now. About two years ago I was feeling pretty down about my post-college friend life. But in the last year I've made what I would call a really good friend, and I have expanded my circle. I love having evening outings with these like-minded ladies, and new people to call when I need advice (and vice-versa).

16. Shop once a week at a farmer's market: It's a nice idea, isn't it? But kind of out of the way for now. For about 6 months I was getting a CSA box, which was beautiful. We just couldn't keep up with all the produce. Maybe I'll start that up again after the holidays.

17. Donate blood regularly: I made this goal forgetting I'm pretty much anemic. The last 3 times I've tried to give blood, they've turned me away due to low iron count. I'm working on putting more iron in my diet, but it may be awhile before I try again with the finger-prick test.

18. Exercise at least 3 days a week: This sometimes happens. But lately I've been anti-gym in favor of practical exercise (e.g., walking to and from the bus - about a half mile each way from my house and also from work), simply because it's too dark and too cold to go to the gym at 5 a.m. anymore. We signed up to run a 5k in a couple weeks - which was, in part, an attempt to resume some routine. It's rough.

19. Finish a bottle of multivitamins: I'm getting really close. Though I just noticed that the bottle has an expiration date of January 2013. What if I'm not done by then?! Do they magically turn into placebo pills? Guess I'll find out.

20. Take a class just for fun: I'm on the look-out. Maybe it will be that sewing class. I do want to brush up my German...maybe something along those lines.

21. Learn basic HTML: I started Code Academy and lasted maybe 3 courses. Still want to learn.

22. Blog at least once a week: This is a lesson in discipline. It gets a lot harder for me to blog in the fall and winter months, mostly because there's so little daylight to take nice-looking food photos, and anything crafty I'm working on is a gift, which I wouldn't want to post on here until it's been received. I'm trying a system of planning out what I want to post ahead of time. We'll see if it helps.

23. Be vegetarian for a week: This is a natural tendency for me. There have been several times when I realized I'd been vegetarian for a couple days without thinking about it.  But when it comes down to it, I love salami on my pizza. I've realized this would be among the hardest things for me to give up when it comes to meat. This is weird for me to admit. But I know I can do it, if just for a week. Someday.

24. Ride a moped: I'd be happier riding it than driving it, and doing so in Italy once I've polished off that gelato on the Spanish Steps.

25. Watch a complete filmography of a director (not Woody Allen): But I kind of want to just watch Woody Allen movies again.

26. Go to a zoo: Done!

27. Fill up my journal: 3/5 done. It's not a traditional journal, but more of an assortment of lists and thoughts and ideas. I know that keeping a diary is a lost cause.

28. Read 15 books in a year: Riding the bus helps this goal. But I think I need to find some shorter books if I'm ever going to complete it.

29. Go to New Orleans: Will happen. Maybe Feb. or March, if I can swing it.

30. See Paul Simon in concert: I'm 60% sure I can make this happen. On a related note (the note of legendary male musicians), I'm going to see Bruce Springsteen next week in Portland. Weee!

31. Go camping: Summer? Let's be honest - camping has never been a huge priority for me.

32. Revisit the Smithsonian Museum: Not sure how I plan to fit in a trip to D.C., but it's worth the effort.

33. Spend my 30th birthday someplace warm: This truly happened.

34. Dye my hair brown: Well, this is a vain one. Reaching a bit. Nevertheless, I did, and I love these hues.

35. Swim a mile: I am holding onto my Y membership to complete this task. Just need a new swimsuit. Maybe a swim cap.

36. Stay off Facebook for a week: I wrote about that here and here. I may do this again on my next vacation, since now I have to be on Facebook for work.

37. Learn the lyrics to Mas Que Nada: I need a good reason to do this. I still sing along with my fake lyrics and I'm kind of okay with this. But I'll keep it on here because for someone who loves her Brazilian music, it would make sense to learn some Portuguese.

38. Watch Lord of the Rings: We're talkin' trilogy. I think it calls for a party or two because I have a hard time with fantasy and hobbits and therefore need to create events and hype things up in order watch them.

39.  Create a tablecloth guestbook: Read about that here.

40. Ride a bike in Amsterdam: This is turning into one giant European vacation.

41. Stop watching TV on weekday mornings: One of the best things I ever decided to do.

42. Go snowshoeing in the moonlight: I might need to twist someone's arm to do this, but this may as well happen in the next month or so. If you can't melt it, shoe it, I say.

43. Get a nice winter coat: Very thankful for this one.

44. Send a care package to someone: But to whom?! Post-Christmas decision.

45. Go to a Mariners game: Easier said than done.

46. Take my in-town nieces and nephew on separate outings: We took my nephew out for his birthday to see Raiders of the Lost Ark on the big screen and it was so delightful. Now I need to figure out what kinds of things 13- and 11-year old girls feel like doing with their aunt.

47. Read from a genre outside my comfort zone: Most likely, this will be fantasy. Send me any suggestions for a great reading experience.

48. Can something: Another one that paralyzes me with indecision.

49. Go skiing at Schweitzer: Very high on the list this winter.

50. Make my own liqueur: The kahlua I made last Christmas was fun and I'm excited to try new ones this year. Limoncello? Bitters? Something spicy? Endless possibilities.

51. Host a dinner party for new friends: I accomplished three Day Zero goals with this one. I got to deepen friendships and inaugurate my tablecloth guestbook. The whole affair was a giant highlight of 2012.

52. Make something with Brussels sprouts: I never had these as a kid (that I can recall), so this was a goal based in curiosity. I have made them several ways now and love these adorable little cabbages.

53. Call my mom every day for a week: I am horrible when it comes to making phone calls. My mom is one person I could find something to talk about something with every day if I just picked up the phone and dialed the number, but for years my call home has always been once a week, on a Sunday. Which is kind of silly. So, this is a goal of better human connection, and better connection with family. Both important things to me that I need to work on more.

54. Make slippers for my parents and siblings: My Oma used to make us all slippers. I made some for Dad last year, tried and failed at ones for Mom, and now I need to pick this project back up.

55. Make crackers: When Joel saw this goal he said, "Make crackers?!" As in, lame Day Zero goal. I agree, but it's still something I want to do and I was worried I might forget about it otherwise.

56.  Close my Wells Fargo account: Oh, sweet freedom. Done.

57. Deep clean my car: I think I'll hire a professional for this one when I have a spare hundred bucks. (see #60)

58. Make frozen yogurt: We're back to the cracker variety of goals here, but this goal is completed and it was delicious.

59. Stick to my budget for 2 months in a row: Depends on what I originally meant by "budget." But I'm much more aware of where my money is going, and I'm saving a little bit more, so that's positive.

60. Save an extra $100 a month: Related to 59, so...kind of.

61. Pay off my car ahead of schedule: This totally made 59 and 60 much easier to do.

62. Cut my hair even shorter: I'll probably be ready for this come March.

63. Travel domestically on a train: This needs a destination.

64. Soak in some hot springs: Maybe I'll take a train to get there.

65. Drink at least 24 oz. of water before leaving work: I've gotten much better about this, and I drink more water in general these days, but it's still not a genuine habit.

66. Create a brand for The Sentimental Club: I won't go into explaining what this is, but it's a project that got stalled. I do have a domain name, though.

67. Deliver cookies to neighbors: We have some newish neighbors that I've been planning on delivering cookies to. Let's say this will happen next month. 'Tis the season.

68. Take an acquaintance out to coffee: Wrote about that here.

69. Use a lunch hour twice a week for Pilates or yoga: the Y near work used to offer this, but now it's a bit trickier. Still trying to figure out how I can incorporate it into my work day and bus-riding schedule.

70. Go to the opera: La Boheme with Mom and Dad!

71. Get in a sea kayak: Still wanna.

72. Play tennis: Sounds fun to me...when the weather is nice.

73. Go (return) to Hawaii: Based on all my other trips, this one may take a little longer to make happen. ...or will it??

74. Organize an elementary school reunion: This may sound weird, but I attended a small school and my parents used to host an end-of-the-year pool party at our house. I'm still in touch with a lot of these classmates and I think it would be so fun.

75. Buy nothing for a week: Something that will take some serious planning, but definitely a good exercise, I think.

76. Crochet something: Like some granny squares.

77. Knit a pair of socks: My mom says she wears them all the time.

78. Go paddleboarding: We did this on Lake Coeur d'Alene this summer and it was fun and surprisingly difficult.

79. Write thank you notes to people who influenced me: Working on this.

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