
S is for Sweaters and So long, Snow

Shortly after the first snow fell on Spokane, I headed to California for a quick getaway and a fun stay with friends, and their two children whom I had yet to meet.

Out of the darkness and into the light
Before the trip, I made a sweater to take to their newborn - only now, not so newborn. This piece was commissioned by Joel, who, as the baby's godfather, picked out the colors and buttons. I was pleased with how it turned out and would be happy to take on other commissions because it was pretty fun to watch as it took shape.

 Pattern here.

I never remembered to take a photo of the finished product, but the model is better anyway.

It was a few joyful days in a place I'd never been. And it was so nice to be in a place where things were green and still blooming. Hydrangeas! Succulents!

There was even a parade for Veteran's Day that gave us an incredible air show we could watch from our balcony.

Plus so many sweet things that had nothing to do with the actual city, like baby holding, tea partying with a 2-year-old, and late night story-telling (as much among the adults as among the children).

Lately, good vacations involve good yarn shopping. Check and check. I just about died here.
And thus the sunny parts of the West Coast were left behind for another winter of cold and fog and studded snow tires.

More reasons to keep knitting.


  1. I teared up reading this post. It was so wonderful to have you visit. And what a beautiful sweater. I will send a pic of the final sweater for your archive--it's a masterpiece. Good luck with the winter. It's pouring buckets here now...

  2. We've been missing you guys! Enjoyed the Wesley quotes.
