

I am falling seriously behind on my blog-a-week goal. I've just found a lot to occupy my time lately.
A typical Saturday morning breakfast around here
A lovely aperitif to sip on while making dinner
Typical cat curiosity
Testing out a new chicken curry recipe; darn good
Looking up from the front step

...and looking down

1. Sweater update: I'm on to the sleeves now, and it's slow. going.
2. Book update: I needed a bit lighter read than what I was digesting each night about Nazi Germany (In the Garden of Beasts), so I switched over to 52 Loaves, which is about the author's year-long quest to make the perfect peasant loaf. It's total foodie lit and I breezed through it. And then a little sweetie I know surprised me by giving me Ratio, which has been on my wishlist for months. I'm having all sorts of fun figuring out how to make my own perfect loaf. Speaking of which...
3. ...I ordered an official bread bucket for keeping my dough in the fridge. 
4. Salted brown butter crispy treats: I made these for an Oscar party and I ended up eating the rest for "breakfast" all week. Oh, my. You must make these.
5. Exercise: I'm running on a treadmill these days, and I actually like it. I started using these pyramid interval workout guides  (you have to sign up to use the website, unfortunately, but it's painless) so it keeps me interested each minute as I change speed and incline.
6. Spring cleaning: I just started this "do one thing a day" deal. It's a nice idea, but...we'll see how long this lasts.
7. Sweet almond oil: how did I not know until now that you can use this stuff to wash your face? A friend of mine (who has beautiful skin) told me about this and now I'm telling you. You just rub the oil (I mixed in a little caster oil, too) on your face, place a warm washcloth on your face and steam/wipe it off. Washed and moisturized. I love this.
8. On the list this week: beet marmalade. Marion Cunningham (in The Breakfast Book) promises it will be the "biggest surprise your taste buds have had for a long time." I'll blog about it, I promise.

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