
Crafty birthday week

The past week has been a chilly mix of rain and sun, so most of it has been spent in this room, or outside with the dog.
 Yes, a dog! She came with the name of Luna, which we thought we would change, but now we've called her "Luna" all week and I'm not sure if a new name is meant to be. We have a full slate of options, though. My favorite so far is "Vesper." Name aside, she's been very easy and sweet and fun. Margot has taken to her, too.
 I'm always adjusting these candles, but it's a losing battle to keep them straight.

This is what happens when you take your birthday off, and it's cold and rainy and you're not quite sure what to do with yourself. The past couple years have spoiled me with warm weather, so this year really threw me off. It ended up being a nice day despite the weather, with friends in the living room and a fire in the fireplace.
 Soft-boiled egg making.
 Birthday flowers.
 My ultimate comfort meal. Plain toast and a soft-boiled egg. Plus a latte.
 I wasn't the only one celebrating a birthday this week.
 The birthday flowers, nearly spent.
 Mom and Dad sent me some old treasures. My mom thinks these were given as a gift to my Oma by one of her customers at the National Tea. The white and aqua color scheme has been appearing a lot in my life lately. I love it.
This hobnail budvase was the first thing my mom remembers buying with her own money - at age 10, for her mom's birthday, for 10 cents. I've always loved it.
 I feel like this, too. We're ready for some sun and warm days.
 Meanwhile, outside...
 Joel's used the spurts of dry weather to complete this awesome Cornhole set, which he and his dad built a couple weekends ago. He spent all weekend painting and finishing it.
 Margot kept an eye on him.
 And I finished a baby sweater. This was the blocking process.

Now that the Cornhole set is finished, I am making the cornbags.

The forecast is showing some sun and 70 degrees. We're ready!


  1. I love seeing your week in pictures -especially because I was able to share some of it with you. Luna is a sweetie and I'm looking forward to some Cornhole in the near future.

    1. You were a key player this week. I've loved watching those tulips expand. We will definitely invite you to partake in the inaugural Cornhole game!

  2. I need blogging lessons. I would have loved to have documented our house buying/fixing/living experience, but it got lost in the 'to-do' list.... forever. Also, cute new pup! Cool coloring!

    1. I would love to read a blog written by you! About anything.

      I like her color, too - kind of different from what I usually see with these Australian cattle dogs. Her coat is nice and soft, too, which is nice for dog hugs (which she loves to give). We need to catch up!
