
Peach mousse

Peach mousse sounded like something I would never in a million years think to make. Do something new, I told myself - it's something I tell myself a lot.

So on Saturday morning I trotted over to the farmers' market, where a farmer sold me three perfect peaches and then threw in a couple of "banged up" ones for good measure. He had a giggle that featured a weird sort of side-click noise at the end, like the sound a dad makes when he's playing "I gotcher nose" with his kid.

I came home and blanched the peaches to peel the skins, pitted them and processed them until they were pureed. (alliteration!)

From there, I added in some superfine sugar, folded in the cream, and whisked in some gelatin that was dissolved in hot water, and covered the bowl to set in the fridge.

They call it mousse, but really, it's just fancy Jell-o. Leave it to the French. Add some ladyfingers or thin almond cookies (more my taste) and you have a simple, subtle dessert.

I recommend this with reservations. Joel took a bite and asked me what I thought of it. This is a gentle way of suggesting he's not wild about it, but I am grateful to him for humoring me in the endeavor. I understand the texture issue is one that is shared by many. I don't mind it, though, having been that kid who always put in the special request for those creamy Jell-o salads to be part of the Thanksgiving meal.

If you're game, give it a shot.

Peach mousse
Another gem adapted from I Know How to Cook
3 ripe peaches
1/2 c. superfine sugar
1 c. heavy cream
1/2 oz. powdered gelatin
1 c. boiling water (for gelatin)
plain cookies, for serving (ladyfingers, piroulines, whatever

Remove the skin from the peaches by blanching them in boiling water for 30 seconds, then placing them in ice water for another 30 seconds. The skins should peel right off when given a nudge with a paring knife, but if not, just place them back in the boiling water for another 30 seconds.

Pit and slice the peaches and puree in the food processor. Stir in the sugar and fold in the cream. Place the gelatin in a heatproof liquid measuring cup and add the boiling water, stirring until gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour the gelatin mixture into the peach mixture, whisking as you pour. Cover the bowl and place in the fridge for a couple hours to set.

Serve with the cookies!

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