
Very important skincare discovery

Years ago, I dreamed of one day living in a world where I could be magically transported at the end of each day to my bed (from the couch, usually, where I'm trying to stay awake watching TV), with my face washed, teeth brushed, without having to actually do the work myself. I still have this dream.

We  have far to go, but I just got one step closer.

How has no one let me know about the makeup remover towel before now? And why isn't everyone I know using these? It's like a Shamwow for your face. It literally takes all the makeup from your face with just water. Yes, even mascara! And I can use it and reuse it and wash it hundreds of times and it will still do the job effectively. It feels like I'm rubbing my face with a plush teddy bear each night and though that was initially weird, I love the feeling of it now. 

It's perfect for people who want to use those handy make-up wipes but feel bad putting more things in the trash. It's perfect for people who want to use fewer products. It's perfect for people with sensitive skin. It's perfect for people who want to save money and/or want to spend their money on different skincare products. So...it's perfect for me.

I normally don't use my blog to push products, but I'm keeping things wild around here (and I'm not even getting paid to post this!). There are many places to buy them. I got mine from Grove (linked above) for $10, but Sephora also carries them, as does Norwex and Amazon. 

I still follow the rest of my routine with toner and moisturizer, so there are still too many steps to take before I can go to bed each night, but my skin is happy. I just thought you should know.

Don't underestimate the importance of taking care of your face in Milan and everywhere else.

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