
Thoughts at 35

I began this week by turning 35. Since it's a year that is divisible by five, it feels like a minor milestone. I revisited the list I wrote when I turned 30 and made a few edits but also added five new items to it, having gained five more years of wisdom. I have to chuckle at some of them because they somehow became even more true after I wrote them five years ago.

35 things learned in 35 years
  1. 30 isn't actually old. (Note five years later: Nor is 35.)
  2. Fashion magazines are simply ads.
  3. Making new friends after college is seriously hard. That Girl Scouts song about gold and silver friends is true.
  4. If you don’t pack enough clothes, you will be okay.
  5. Take notes when your relatives tell you stories about the old days.
  6. Empathy is pretty much the most important emotion, ever.
  7. And “Just Do It” is pretty much the best mantra you could ever have.
  8. Wash your face before going to bed. No matter what.
  9. Travel debt is the best debt.
  10. Buying in bulk might only make you use more stuff more quickly.
  11. Yes, you actually can run over seven miles nonstop, just not during the first 10 tries.
  12. Take lots of pictures because it may be the only way you can remember anything anymore.
  13. Your “Just Do It” mantra also applies to cleaning the toilet, going to the gym, getting up with your alarm, stuff like that. You can’t just save it for the fun times.
  14. Slow down. Don't rush other people. 
  15. Get over Diet Coke. Later, you’ll realize it tastes like chemicals, which is what it is.
  16. When you wake up in the morning, try to think of something wonderful as soon as you can.
  17. A good shopping tip: before buying clothes, envision what each thing will look like after having gone through the wash four times. 
  18. You will never fully understand the game of football.
  19. It’s not necessary to listen to music constantly. Even (especially) in the car.
  20. If you’re having a bad hair day, just put on some lipstick (not on your hair, though).
  21. Be interesting, but don't give everything away.
  22. It’s okay to change your mind. It shows that you’re thinking.
  23. Don't give up on penmanship.
  24. Go for a walk. Good things aren’t that far away.
  25. Find meaning in whatever ways make sense to you, and don't feel the need to convince other people.
  26. You’re not above lowbrow, and you’re better for it. Embrace it.
  27. Your profoundest thoughts have probably been sung about by Paul Simon.
  28. When in doubt, just smile a nice smile for the photo.
  29. Eat a little bit of everything (a la Julia Child) as long as it's real food (a la Michael Pollan). It's the only "diet" worth doing.
  30. Wear shoes you feel confident you could walk at least a mile in.
  31. Anger is often a manifestation of fear. When you feel yourself getting angry, or see someone express anger, stop to consider the fear that might be driving it. We all become a little more human that way.
  32. If you're boiling a grain for a savory dish, boil it in broth, man. 
  33. Strangely enough, people who tell you they don't like *drama* tend to attract it. Beware.
  34. Doing things you said you'd never do is a powerful route to self-discovery.
  35. When you feel like you just don't get kids these days, make an effort. Or get old because you stopped trying.

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