

This past week it really hit me: I've got to get out of here. If only for a day and a half. So we departed early on Saturday and headed north, back to the magical land of Nelson, B.C., where I got to spend my birthday this past April. The hot springs in Ainsworth were what sealed the deal, of course.

The drive was beautiful. I was captivated by the rows of so-called evergreens that had mysteriously turned a yellowish orange color (you can see some of this in the first two photos). I'm guessing it's not a good thing for the trees, but it was lovely nonetheless.

It was another point for Nelson, this trip. People continued to be friendly, we continued to enjoy the half-and-halfness of French and English, and the views continued to be serene, even on another overcast weekend. The best thing: I still feel relaxed from those hot springs. It's probably mental, but it counts.

Okay, November. Let's do this.


  1. beautiful pics! the evergreens that have turned colors are most likely larch, which actually turn colors and drop their needles (on purpose!). so, no need to worry about them, just enjoy the colors. =)

  2. Oooh, thanks for that info! I feel much better about this now.
