
Maybe it's because I'm no longer making car payments, but recently I got the itch to start riding the bus again. It's the closest thing I have to feeling like I live in a big city and the only way I can possibly read all the things I want. It builds in a brisk morning and evening walk, and it saves me a little money, too.

It's kind of strange to admit, but being on a bus schedule makes me feel free and happy.  Sure, I have to discipline myself to get my rear to the bus stop on time, but once there, I can think of everything that's not traffic for the next hour. When you normally spend nearly 3.5 hours a week behind the wheel, this is a true gift. Today I listened to birds while walking to the bus. I noticed a couple houses I'd never paid attention to before, one of which was a historical landmark built in 1903 for Colonel William R. Abercrombie. (No relation to Fitch - I checked.)

All of these feelings might have nothing to do with riding the bus, though. It might just be because it's not raining. Today is another nice May Day. Sunshine at 6 a.m. Lunch outside. Dreaming of weekend plans that might include cold wine and deck lounging, a deep-dish rhubarb pie, bike rides to anywhere, weeding a flower bed, reading fiction. And celebrating my mom, which is not limited to Sunday.

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