
These go to 11

When I was in 5th grade, I had lots of crushes on boys. I had my main crush - the one that lasted from 2nd grade through probably 8th. I had my new guy crush - the one who came from Michigan and taught our class how to cheer for the Wolverines...and who kind of looked like a 10-year-old Good Humor man. And I had my sports crush. Number 11 on the basketball team. It was a very short-lived crush, but when all my girlfriends were assigning favorite colors and favorite animals and favorite flowers to themselves, I declared my favorite number to be 11. Of course it had to be. Since then, while I have only an inkling of whatever happened to the crush, I have really held on to that number.

All this is to say that I had pretty darn high expectations for 2011. Now that it's over, I can say with full conviction that it was a pretty lovely year. Some firsts - a trip to Paris, homemade pasta, whitewater kayaking. Some familiars - time on the water, Boise, a visit from one of my most favorite friends. Some frustration - a swollen ankle and my inability to roll a kayak. Bittersweet moments and hugs. Breath-holding and hand-holding. A wedding, an island, a bird costume, an accident involving a miniature golf club. And, as I love to point out from time to time, a bunch of pretty average Spokane sunsets.

In celebration of what we've just signed away on the calendar, here are 11 of my favorite photos of 2011:

1. Look closely. Behind those smiles, we're tired. We're fighting illness. We're excited to see my brother and his wife return from their 10-day Italian vacation (we took this picture just before we headed out the door to pick them up from the airport). I laughed, I cried, and I gained a heightened appreciation for single parents. Better yet, I saw first-hand what a great job Rich and Sally are doing in raising their kids.

2. From that time I went to Boise and remembered what amazing friends I made in high school. High school! Kindred spirits. A few months after this photo was taken I would get to meet the little baby behind the gray sweater, too.

3. April in Paris. I still have a hard time believing I was really there. In such perfect weather. With such a nice travel mate. We had luck on our side in so many cases - from our little apartment, to transportation, to interactions with seriously nice French people (they exist!), to randomly getting pulled off the street and participating in a French TV show. Even the minor catastrophes are fun to think about. Like when Joel took sleeping pills thinking they were ibuprofin. Or when we got screwed by the exchange rate. Or when I tried twice and failed to visit a specific bakery for a specific treat. And then there was Brussels - a 20-hour dream in itself. And Cologne, where we reunited with dear friends. And back to Paris, where the moon was orangey-pink on our last night there.

4. Olive and Joel on the subway in Cologne. I smile every time.

5. It was fun to not be the one doing experiments in the kitchen, for once. A little home brew and, after all these years, he's still looking up to his big brother.

6. Me and Mom and Dad in front of the old birch tree, Dad wearing the shirt I made him for Father's Day last year.

7. Dog Bark Park. Google it.

8. Muckers and kites and a little piece of Camano Island to ourselves.

9. The Star Wars and Lego birthday for our sweet William.

10. Okay, one more from Paris. Only because, after all these months, our thoughts return to this day so often. Here, at Jardin du Luxembourg.

11. Here's to sweet things in 2012. Cheers, people!

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